August Is Immunization Awareness Month
Annual observance highlights importance of vaccines
Claude Powell, Staff Pharmacist
Carlsbad Medical Center
National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held in August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. Communities across the country use the month each year to raise awareness about the important role vaccines play in preventing serious, sometimes deadly, diseases across the lifespan.
NIAM is sponsored by the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC). NPHIC, in collaboration with CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, developed communication toolkits to help educate people of all ages about vaccines recommended for them.
One of the most important things a parent can do to protect their child’s health is getting their child vaccinated according to the recommended immunization schedule. Serious health consequences can arise if children are not vaccinated. Without vaccines, children are at an increased risk for disease and can spread disease to others in their play groups, child care centers, classrooms and communities.
Vaccines are an important part of a healthy pregnancy. Women who may become pregnant should receive the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Pregnant women should get the pertussis, commonly called whooping cough, vaccine during pregnancy. They should also get the flu vaccine during pregnancy if they have not already the flu vaccine for the current influenza season prior to pregnancy.
Vaccines protect babies from 14 diseases by the time they reach two years of age. It is very important that babies receive all doses of each vaccine and receive each vaccination on time.
Preteens and teens need at least four vaccines to protect against serious diseases. Meningococcal conjugate vaccines protects against meningitis and bloodstream infections (septicemia). HPVV (Human Papillomavirus) protects against cancers caused by HPV. Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough. A yearly flu vaccine protects against seasonal flu.
All adults should get recommended vaccines to protect their health. All adults should get an influenza (flu) vaccine each year to protect against seasonal flu. Every adult should get a Tdap vaccine if they did not get it as a teen. They then need to receive a Td (tetanus and diphtheria) booster vaccine every 10 years. Adults 50 years and older are recommended to receive the shingles vaccine. Adults 65 and older are also recommended to receive both pneumococcal vaccines. Adults may need other vaccines (such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and HPV) depending on their age, occupation, travel, medical conditions, vaccinations they have already received or other considerations.
So, we all need vaccinations! Please protect not only yourself and your family, but also others in our community. If you have questions about vaccinations, your primary care provider can provide additional information.