Early Detection and Treatment for Breast Cancer Starts with Screenings
Breast cancer remains a top risk for women, making up 30% of all new female cancer cases in the U.S. annually. Fortunately, a screening mammogram can help detect breast cancer in its earliest and most treatable stages. Carlsbad Medical Center is encouraging women to schedule their screening now, because when breast cancer is detected early, life-saving treatment can begin right away.
Here in New Mexico, 1,655 new female breast cancer cases were reported in 2019, the most recent year data is available. Nearly all breast cancers can be treated successfully if found early. The most effective way to detect breast cancer at an early, treatable stage is to have yearly mammograms.
Since mammography became widely used in the 1980s, the U.S. breast cancer death rate in women has dropped 43 percent. The American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend annual mammograms start at age 40 for women of average risk. Different guidelines apply to women at higher risk.
We know that the best chance for survival of any cancer is early diagnosis and treatment. So we are pleased to now be offering 3D mammography at Carlsbad Medical Center. Utilizing advanced breast tomosynthesis technology, 3D exams are clinically proven to significantly increase detection of breast cancer. We are excited to offer this technology and further enhance the care we provide to the women in our community.
So how does 3D mammography compare to a traditional 2D mammogram? In conventional 2D mammography, overlapping tissue is a leading reason why small breast cancers may be missed and normal tissue may appear abnormal, leading to unnecessary callbacks. CMC’s new exam includes a three-dimensional method of imaging that can greatly reduce the tissue overlap effect. Our 3D mammography service may make it possible for earlier detection, which would allow for earlier treatment.
CMC is committed to the fight against breast cancer. In offering the 3D mammography exam, CMC provides an additional tool for breast cancer screening. To schedule a mammogram, call 575-887-4481. Or, to find a primary care doctor or OB/GYN, visit www.PecosValleyDocs.com.

Nick Arledge, CEO
Carlsbad Medical Center