Eat, Drink and Be Wary - Chronic heartburn may indicate a more serious disorder
Chronic heartburn may indicate a more serious disorder
Abdul H. Qureshi, M.D.
General Surgeon
Carlsbad Medical Center
Rate Your Heartburn IQ
Heartburn has many causes – and varies from person to person. A few of the most well-known offenders, according to, include:
- Meat – especially red meat or spicy items (such as hot wings).
- Fatty foods – chocolate, pastries, cookies, oils and salad dressings, fried foods.
- Fruits and vegetables – certain fruits and vegetables are not good if you’re inclined toward indigestion, including tomatoes, raw onions, mashed potatoes, or citrus fruits/juices (orange juice, lemonade, grapefruit juice and cranberry juice).
- Certain beverages – alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea.
- Pasta – macaroni and cheese, spaghetti with tomato sauce.
- Dairy products – milk, ice cream cottage cheese, sour cream.
Other causes of heartburn can be an overly full stomach, slow digestion, a weak lower esophageal valve (which inhibits proper valve closure), and hormonal changes during pregnancy, which slows down the digestive process.
Heartburn symptoms can be controlled with some simple changes in your daily routine. In addition to controlling your diet and food portions, you can find relief by losing weight, avoiding tight-fitting clothing, quitting smoking, eating slowly, drinking water, and timing your meals at least two to three hours before bedtime, so that you’re not going to bed on a full stomach.
“I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” We’ve all been guilty of overindulging at one time or another – particularly during the holiday season – and have suffered the discomfort that often follows. Sometimes the pain after eating too much is more severe than the typical gas, bloating, or indigestion – or it happens frequently and is hard to control with the usual over-the-counter remedies. And sometimes heartburn just happens and has nothing to do with what we’ve eaten.
Twenty percent of Americans – one in five individuals – experiences heartburn at least once a week. While it’s common, don’t take heartburn lightly. Frequent indigestion may indicate a serious health problem known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – severe or chronic acid reflux that can lead to complications such as sleep disorders, esophageal bleeding or ulcers, and cancer.
Heartburn, or indigestion, is that pain in the chest we feel after overeating. It’s caused by stomach acid backing up into the esophagus, the muscular tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Overeating isn’t the only cause of acid reflux. It can also be triggered by medications, obesity, pregnancy, stress, chronic health conditions – such as asthma, diabetes or a hernia – or even sleeping in certain positions.
The signs and symptoms for heartburn and GERD are similar – the difference is generally the frequency and severity of symptoms.
- difficulty swallowing
- coughing and wheezing
- sore throat or hoarseness
- a sensation of having a lump in your throat
- a burning sensation in the chest
- chest pain, particularly while lying down at night
It’s possible to control heartburn with a few simple lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medications (see related sidebar). If your heartburn does not respond to lifestyle changes or medications, your doctor will test for GERD. A few methods commonly used to diagnose GERD include an upper GI exam (x-rays of the upper digestive tract), endoscopy (insertion of a flexible tube down the throat to examine the inside of your esophagus and stomach), or an ambulatory acid probe test (monitoring the timing and frequency of stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus, using a catheter or chip inserted in the esophagus).
Medications for GERD include antacids, which neutralize stomach acid for quick relief, but don’t heal the esophagus; H-2 receptor blockers, which reduce acid production, acting slower but lasting longer than antacids to provide symptoms relief; and proton pump inhibitors, which block acid production and heal the esophagus. These medications are also available through your doctor in prescription-strength versions.
When medications fail to relieve GERD, surgery is usually considered. Various surgical procedures can strengthen the esophageal sphincter and prevent the backflow of stomach acid. Your doctor can help with recommendations for lifestyle changes or the best surgical solution for your needs.
To find a primary care provider who can help you learn ways to manage chronic heartburn, or to learn more about surgical options, visit