Financial Assistance Program
Our hospital is committed to treating all patients regardless of their ability to pay and providing financial assistance to persons who have healthcare needs and are uninsured, underinsured, ineligible for a government program, or otherwise unable to pay for their medical care based on their individual financial situation under our hospital's Financial Assistance Program. No patient will be denied financial assistance due to his or her race, religion, national origin or any other basis prohibited by law.
Financial relief may be available to patients who receive non-elective care, do not qualify for state or federal assistance, and are unable to pay a substantial portion of their balance, either directly or through a third-party payer source.
We offer a Charity Care Discount under our Financial Assistance Program to patients who qualify under our policy, based on multiples of the U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines, which will be evaluated using certain financial criteria and supporting documentation to verify income provided by the patient. A patient may apply for the Charity Care Discount by filling out our Financial Assistance Program ("FAP") Application and returning it to the hospital, along with any required documentation, at the time of service or any time after care is provided during the patient's billing cycle. Click here to download a financial assistance application. Click here to download a copy of the U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Patients who do not qualify for our Charity Care Discount may still be eligible for financial relief under the hospital's Financial Assistance Program. Patients without insurance or any other third-party payer source, who are not eligible for government assistance or our hospital's Charity Care Discount, will receive a discount from the hospital's billed charges, referred to as the "Uninsured Discount." Additionally, a patient may also be eligible for a "Catastrophic Care Discount," in the event the patient's account exceeds a certain percentage of the patient's gross annual income.
We also provide eligibility screening services that can help identify the availability of resources to cover medical services, such as Medicaid.
For information on how we can help identify potentially available health coverage from federal, state or county programs, please click here.
Under New Mexico's Patients' Debt Collection Protection Act, hospitals cannot sell a patient's medical debt or proceed with any legal or judicial process against a patient, such as a lawsuit, lien or wage garnishment, if the patient is considered indigent under the statute. The law defines "indigency" as 200% of the U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines. You may request an indigency determination by submitting a FAP application.
Please contact the hospital's Customer Service, Patient Access Director or Financial Counselor for more information on the discounts and qualification requirements offered under the hospital's Financial Assistance Program or to learn about any other payment plans that may be available to you at the hospital.