General Surgery
Minimally Invasive Options
The surgeons at Carlsbad Medical Center perform minimally invasive procedures when possible. By using miniature cameras with microscopes, tiny fiber-optic flashlights and high-definition monitors, surgeons can perform surgery through small incisions that take only a few stitches to close. Minimally invasive procedures may result in less blood loss, less pain and a quicker recovery.
Carlsbad Medical Center's general surgical services include the following procedures:
- Colonoscopy
- Endoscopy
- Hernia surgery
- Appendicitis surgery
- Gallbladder surgery
- Treatment of soft tissue wounds
- Treatment of cysts
- Abscesses/infections removal
- Skin cancer surgery
- Breast cancer surgery
- Colon cancer surgery
- Rectal cancer surgery
- Surgery for anorectal disorders (hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas)
- Thyroid surgery
For more information, please call: (575) 887-4100